Chewy Breakfast Bar

Course: Sweet Treats Servings: 8

Prep time: 5 min Cook time: 12 mins

Difficulty level: Easy



Author: Jennifer Sargison

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Soft, chewy and such a healthy way to start the day. Bursting with flavour and goodness this really is a powerful little breakfast bite.

We’ve used our Love Vegan bars, you may add any flavour Love Vegan bar as each one will give a delicious hint of flavour to the breakfast bars once they are cooked, have a play around and find your favourite.

CLICK HERE TO SHOP or see details below


1 1/2 cups oats (can be G/F)

1/2 cup nut butter

1/2 cup maple syrup

1 Love Vegan bar, chopped into small chunks (any flavour)

1/4 cup chopped pecans

1 tbsp mixed seeds

1 tbsp cacao nibs


  • Preheat the oven to 180C and line a small brownie/bead loaf tin with baking paper

  • Mix the oats, nut butter and maple syrup in a bowl until combined

  • Add the Love Vegan bar chunks, pecans, seeds and cacao nibs and mix again

  • Add the mixture to the lined tin and bake for 12 minutes to until the top is just starting to turn golden

  • Allow to col for 5 minutes before slicing and enjoying with your favourite beverage..mines a vegan latte - RECIPE HERE

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Buy your Love Vegan bars here


You will need these to add lots of lovely flavour

Click here to get your Love Vegan by Jennifer fix

If you do make this then I hope you love it

Any thoughts or comments?

Leave a message below and I’ll get back to you

Big love, Jen x

*For those of you eating a gluten free diet because of a gluten intolerance/allergy to gluten or suffering from celiac disease please check the ingredients listed in my recipes carefully. Although many of my recipes are gluten free please make sure you double check your ingredients to check. I am not intolerant to gluten so am no expert but I still like to provide GF options, please fully read your packets at home before making this, thank you :)