Vegan ginger nut biscuits

Course: Sweet Treats

Servings: Varies depending on size

Prep time: 10 min plus chilling time

Cook time: 10 mins

Difficulty level: Easy



Author: Jennifer Sargison


If you love a ginger nut with a decent crunch then these are for you. They are great as you can choose any shape to cut as they stay the same shape whist baking making them perfect for any occasion


30g plant butter

50g brown sugar

50g treacle

1/2 tbsp ground flax seed combined with 1 1/2 tbsp water (left to thicken for 10 mins)

1/2 tsp vanilla paste

125g plain flour

1/2 tsp baking soda (not baking powder - they will be fluffy if you add powder)

pinch salt

1 tsp ginger

1 tsp cinnamon

1/8 tsp all spice

1/8 tsp ground cloves


  • Prepare the flax (egg replacement) and leave to thicken

  • Preheat the oven to 180C

  • Cream the butter and sugar together until soft and fluffy

  • Add the treacle and flax ‘egg’ and mix agin really well

  • Add the rest of the ingredients until fully combined and is forming a ball

  • Squeeze into a ball and wrap in some eco-film or a clean tea towel and place in the fridge for 15 minutes to chill

  • Once chilled roll onto a floured surface until the dough is around 1/2 cm (if rolled too thinly they won’t work)

  • Cut shapes using your favourite cutters

  • Bake for 10 minutes to start and check, they may need a little longer

  • When they are just beginning to turn golden it’s time to take them out

  • Leave them to cool on a wore rack - they will harden as they cool down

  • Decorate using tubes of icing, cover in chocolate and leave them to set or enjoy as they are with a cuppa

If you do make this then I hope you love it

Any thoughts or comments?

Leave a message below and I’ll get back to you

Big love, Jen x

*For those of you eating a gluten free diet because of a gluten intolerance/allergy to gluten or suffering from celiac disease please check the ingredients listed in my recipes carefully. Although many of my recipes are gluten free please make sure you double check your ingredients to check. I am not intolerant to gluten so am no expert but I still like to provide GF options, please fully read your packets at home before making this, thank you :)