Self-Care Toolkit

10 Ways to look after yourself in 2020

  1. Start a journal. This is a great idea to look for any patterns and habits that may effect your health and your mood. Becoming more aware of what you do and how this has an impact on your mood and behaviours is key to identifying what needs to change.

  2. Set yourself a goal, it could be to take up a new exercise or introduce healthier eating (take a look at my good health blog for top tips). A goal is really important for your mind to have something to focus on and to get you out of everyday habits.

  3. Take time in your diary and make an appointment for some time just for you. Read a book, go for a walk or take a bath. You need regular alone time to recharge your batteries.

  4. Make a list of people who you can lean on for support, find time to socialise with these people who can uplift your mood and spirit.

  5. Get some fresh air EVERYDAY. Even if the weather is bad. spending time in nature will always make you feel good.

  6. Try to introduce everyday mindfulness. Eat a least one meal or drink at least one drink mindfully. Slowly, quietly and savouring every moment. This is a really good way to calm the mind and the nervous system helping you to feel more relaxed and peaceful.

  7. Try a simple breath work or meditation every day. You could choose each morning before you get up or each evening before bed. Spend a few minutes focussing on your breath, the full inhale and exhale. Over time increase the time you spend in meditation, meditation and breath work have AMAZING benefits and I cant recommend them enough

  8. Choose an exercise that will get your heart pumping. Hard, physical exercise releases endorphins helping you to feel better. Try going for a jog, try a HITT session at the gym or at home or maybe choose a high powered yoga session. Make sure it leaves you out of breath and in a sweat. Even if you don’t feel like it try to force yourself (a partner will help for support so buddy up with a friend if you need to.

  9. Take up practicing a mantra. A mantra is choosing a word to repeat over and over again. It can be spoken out loud or silently and has amazing benefits to helping your mind become still, calm and at peace. The beauty of a mantra is it can be practiced anywhere, at home when you have 10 minutes, on a walk, on the bus or in a queue. believe me when I say a mantra can change your life for the better.

  10. Give your body the gift of sleep. If you follow my guide then your sleep pattern will become healthier. You will begin to have a deeper sleep and wake up feeling refreshed. Most adults need between 7-9 hours of sleep every night so to ensure your sleep is of top quality then try making a few changes to your every day life and see how much better you will begin to feel.