Winter Home Retreat

Feeling stressed?…then take a day out of the busy festive season just for you, to unwind and relax. Here’s our guide to an at home winter retreat.

This home retreat requires you to have a full day to be able to commit to spending time on your own with nothing else to do, so try and pencil in a day that will allow you to do this.

I’d recommend taking some time to read through this blog before you begin your retreat day. Make a note of the plan and everything you’ll need.

you will need to make sure you have ingredients in to make breakfast, lunch and dinner and also to get the ingredients you need for your baking project and cacao ceremony.

You will also need to think about where you are going to go for your walk and plan your journey - if you need to drive to a park/beach/field to make it as stress free as possible.

You may also want to buy a journal and pen and borrow/purchace a book for your quite time and make sure you have access to an online yoga class (like YouTube) and plan which classes you want o include into your day.

Your winter retreat

7.30 - Wake up

Take your time to wake gently and enjoy a cup of herbal or lemon tea

7.45 - Set your intentions

Think about what you’d like today to be all about and the benefits of taking this time just for you. Perhaps start a journal and write down how you are feeling now and how you’d like to feel at the end of the day.

8.30 - 9.30 - Time to yoga!

Roll out your yoga mat and practice some gentle stretches. You can either find a class on YouTube or follow my morning yoga guide by clicking here

10.00 - Breakfast

Take you time to prepare something nice to eat.

Smoothies Need some inspiration? If you’re not a big breakfast person then perhaps a healthy and refreshing smoothie is needed, try one of our smoothies for beginners you have five different smoothies to choose from

Oats If you need some hearty and healthy fuel for your morning then try a bowl of lats. We have a great selection to choose from.

11.15 - Meditate

Take an hour to be still, to meditate and reflect. If you’re new to meditation then you can find some amazing techniques here.

Mantras Such an easy and fun way to find some stillness.

Breath-work Great for beginners and a technique that you can use every day

Everyday meditation This is good for anyone who finds it difficult to step away from thoughts in the mind.

12.30 - Get out in nature

Take an hour and a half to get some fresh air and build up an appetite for lunch. If you have fields or a beach that are not too far from where you live then make the most of it by getting on your wellies and enjoying all the positive benefits of being out in nature. If not then perhaps walk around your town/village and listen to some soothing mantras air music and get lost in the sounds and enjoy feeling the wind on your face.

1.30 - Lunch

Keep it light and healthy. if you need some tasty lunch ideas then try one of these recipes

Open loaded pitta

Warm tofu salad

Avocado on toast

2.30 - An Hour to chill

Take this next hour to read, journal, nap or to listen to soothing music

3.30 - Bake

Time to get some baking therapy in the kitchen. Try this banana bread recipe if you like something sweet or perhaps cheesy scones if you’re more of a savoury eater.

4.30 - Walking meditation

Time to get some more fresh air, this time just for 20 minutes. Take your time a walk slowly noticing every step you make. Notice all of the colours and sounds around you and be mindful about the whole experience.

5.00 - Hot chocolate time

Enjoy a hot chocolate and your favourite biscuit. If you’d like to take this experience a step further then why not treat yourself to a cacao ceremony using a high grade cacao with lots of benefits to your body

5.45 - Yoga time

Time to roll out your mat again for some movement. Try a vinyasa yoga to really build up a sweat and get the blood pumping. Have a look on YouTube or perhaps you have a DVD or access to yoga via an online subscription. Try 45 minutes to a 1 hour practice.

7.00 - Dinner time

Take your time to prepare and enjoy your favourite meal

If you need some inspiration then try these;

black bean stew

Mac n’ cheese

Chickpea and spinach curry

8.30 - Bath time

Enjoy a warming bath to end your retreat. Try these ideas to make bath time even more special

DIY natural salt bath

Perhaps you’d like to write about your retreat in your journal and how you feel now compared to how you felt at the beginning of the day.

Bed time - 9.30 - 10pm

After a nice gentle bath make the most of an early night to help you wake feeling super relaxed. I f you do struggle with sleep then take a loo at this blog that may help you.

How to supercharge your sleep