Strawberry Gin Jam

Course: Sides

Prep time: 10min plus overnight to infuse

Cook time: 15 mins cooking time

Difficulty level: Easy



Author: Jennifer Sargison

Our strawberry jam with a selection of other homemade jams

Our strawberry jam with a selection of other homemade jams

If you make this jam you’ll never go back to shop bought again. It’s so easy and tastes amazing. I’m lucky as my mum grows her own strawberries so we always have loads, and what better way to use up freshly grown fruit. This is another of my mum’s recipes and she always has lots of jar for us to enjoy -hooray!

You need to soak the strawberries overnight in order for them to infuse with the flavours of the gin and it’s just a case of boiling them with sugar and lemon juice and you have jam.

I love mine on toast or vegan crossiants or swirled into porridge for breakfast. How do you like yours?


600g strawberries

50mls gin

600g granulated sugar

Juice of half a lemon


  • Hull and chop the strawberries and cover with the gin. leave this to soak overnight.

  • Once the strawberries have marinated in the gin add them to a heavy based large pan

  • Add the sugar and lemon juice and slowly bring to boil

  • Boil for about 15 minutes (if you have a thermometer it will need to each 220C)

  • Place into clean, sterilised jars once cooled

The jam will keep for a least 6 months unopened and stored in a dark, cool place, eat within 6 weeks once opened and keep in the fridge.

If you do make this then I hope you love it

Any thoughts or comments?

Leave a message below and I’ll get back to you

Big love, Jen x

*For those of you eating a gluten free diet because of a gluten intolerance/allergy to gluten or suffering from celiac disease please check the ingredients listed in my recipes carefully. Although many of my recipes are gluten free please make sure you double check your ingredients to check. I am not intolerant to gluten so am no expert but I still like to provide GF options, please fully read your packets at home before making this, thank you :)