Pink & White Vegan Meringues

Course: Sweet Treats Servings: 6-8

Prep time: 30 min Cook time: 45 min

Difficulty level: A little effort



Author: Jennifer Sargison


If you follow a plant based or vegan diet and miss meringues then you’ll be really pleased to know that you don’t need to miss out anymore! These meringues are made from aquafaba - aka chickpea water, when the liquid is whipped it magically turnes into a fluffy whip, similar to egg whites, meaning you can still enjoy your favourite treats without an egg white in sight.


  • The water from one tin of chickpeas

(only the liquid not the chickpeas, save the chickpeas and have a go at this simple hummus recipe)

  • 1 tsp apple cider vinegar

  • 1 large teaspoon/1 sachet cream of tartar

  • 125g caster sugar

  • 1 teaspoon of beetroot powder to add once the meringue mixture has been divided to make white and pink meringues (use a few drops of food colouring if you don’t have beet powder)


  • Preheat the oven to a low 90C and line a couple of baking trays with baking paper

  • Add the chickpea liquid to a cake mixer using the wish attachment if you have one and whisk on high for 10 minutes, if you’re using a hand held mixer it will take a LONG time.

  • Add the apple cider vinegar and cream of tarter and mix again until you have stiff peaks ( do the bowl over head trick to test)

  • Once you have stiff peaks add the sugar a spoonful at at time making sure you whisk for one minute before adding the next spoonful - THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT TO ENSURE A FLUFFY MIXTURE THAT HOLDS ITS STIFFNESS

  • Once the sugar has been mixed in place half of the mixture to a piping bag and add the beet powder or red food colouring to the other half and mix one last time until the mixture is pink

  • Place this half into another piping bag

  • Pipe out small round meringue shapes onto the baking paper and bake in the oven for around 45 minutes or until it just starts to go golden. If the meringues are baked for too long and burn they will not be edible-even just a few minutes over will ruin them so keep an eye after around 35 minutes.

  • Lave the meringues to cool, they may feel a little soft but they will crisp up.

  • Keep then in an air tight container and eat within a few days- any longer and they will go soft. Best to eat straight away.

  • Top them with vegan cream or ice-cream and fruits for a classic meringue dessert.

If you do make this then I hope you love it

Any thoughts or comments?

Leave a message below and I’ll get back to you

Big love, Jen x

*For those of you eating a gluten free diet because of a gluten intolerance/allergy to gluten or suffering from celiac disease please check the ingredients listed in my recipes carefully. Although many of my recipes are gluten free please make sure you double check your ingredients to check. I am not intolerant to gluten so am no expert but I still like to provide GF options, please fully read your packets at home before making this, thank you :)